Sunday, July 31, 2011

Facilitation Plan
Analou casirayan
1.    To acquire appreciation of the wondrous origin of music.
2.    To learn and develop nationalistic spirit in adapting Philippine music.
 Philippine Ethnic Instruments
Ø  Visual aids
Ø  Hand outs

A.   Preparatory Stage

·         Jew’s harp- also known as kubing.
·         Bunkaka or bilbil-bamboo musical instruments used by the tinguans.
·         Tipangklung-percussive instruments derived from indonesans.
·         Musikong bumbong-shown approximates the brass band’s tuba.
·         Diwdiw-as-slender bamboos pipes of differing lengths tied together to form a panpipe.
·         Gabbang-sulu version of xylophone, trapezoidal in shape. More melodic than rhythmic.
·         Kudyapi-consists of two metals strings raised on several small bridges.
·         Serogaganding-marranao bamboo zither.2 stringed stretched over a hole across which small connecting plat form.
·         Gitgit-small three-stringed wooden violin of the mangyan hanunoo.
·         Sulibao-originates from either ifugao’s or ibalois.
·         Olbon-known as rice drum of the igorots.
·         Dabakan-an ornate inlaid pattern top with goatskin, also known as free standing drum.
B.   Learning Stage

1.    Activity
·         In this activity, the facilitator will give several copies of song for every group. The students will try to put the song in order; the one who finish the song will sing the song. I will play the song that is given as necessary. The first group who finish the game will be the winner.
2.    Analysis
·         What would be the best benefit if we study about Philippine ethnic instruments?
·         What is the importance of study in Philippine instruments for us?
3.    Abstraction
·         How will the students engage every other student about to our Philippine ethnic instruments?
·         Why is there a need to study about the different instruments?

4.    Application
·         What is the main purpose why do we need to know about different instruments?
·         Why do we need to enhance our capability to this matter?

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